
Isel USA is the leading manufacturer of affordable Linear Motion Components and systems. We are pleased to announce the launching of a series of articles on Introductory Mechatronics or as we also refer to it as An Introduction to Industrial Automation - A Guide for the Perplexed. We will offer articles on "how to deal with automation problems" at a very hands on practical level. The articles will be produced and directed by Dr. Kevin Craig of Hofstra University, a true innovator, in partnership with Dr. Edward Currie, one of the pioneers in the development of the personal computer and the software to run them.

We of course welcome feedback and questions which can be submitted by clicking here

For those not familiar with what Mechatronics is, or if you would like a clearer picture of how mechatronics fits into today's automation projects, we suggest starting with our first article by Dr. Craig - 
The What, Why, How, and Who of Mechatronics.
Subsequent articles include:
Accuracy and Repeatability
Signals and Noise